A huge sheet of ice was a cool place to take a break on. It is also really fun to crash into huge sheets of ice and play Titanic or ICE CRUSHER. |
Man oh man. First week of February and I was so relieved today when the river finally melted. I hadn't been on the water in almost two months and it was hard to go that long.
First pic of the day so glad the river had thawed mid Winter. It was up to 40F today; up from a steady 10-20F. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
The river was low and there was some current the first part of the trip as we always start going upstream to save the complications of a second vehicle. I think going upstream is good exercise and is fairly safe. It is much easier to be pulled downstream into danger than being pulled upstream into danger. It was a good way to spend the afternoon. Don't get me wrong, going into a 20 mph flooded river in the Summer with a bunch of tight turns is really fun. But I don't really want to get wet when the water is still frozen in spots. Today was just to get out and be with nature and celebrate that Spring is going to be coming soon.
I am still an amateur photographer. Zoom + motion = bad idea. One of my favorite spots in the Summer. |
It is getting late, the sun is going down and it is getting chilly. So nice to see some signs of Spring. I was trying too hard to focus on the buds to identify the tree but I am guessing it was a common Red Bud. Just a few more weeks until Potato and Pea planting time! |
Cruising by some good friends. |
Paddling all out in an attempt to mount or crush the giant hunk of ice. It is a pretty fun game. |
A couple of times Kurt and I both commandeered a 15' x 10' chunk of ice down the river. Our boats were still floating on the ice as we captained the huge three inch thick sheet of ice down the river. I learned a good lesson that trying to stand on one of those sheets of ice leads to wet boots! Log rafts must be very hard to steer with a paddle alone.
Piloting an iceberg back home. | | |
It started to rain as we made our way back to the truck. I am glad I was able to spend some time on the river today. There were a lot of guys out fishing today and I saw a lot of people in shorts when I walked Kamala this morning. HOORAY for warm Winter Days; Spring will be here soon. Hope everyone is staying warm.